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Languages > English > Movies/Videos > Comedy > MAU MAU SEX SEX - what went on... and what came off! - VHS
MAU MAU SEX SEX - what went on... and what came off! - VHS

MAU MAU SEX SEX - what went on... and what came off! - VHS
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50 years of jaw-dropping exploitation moviemaking - "Great fun!" - NY TIMES - a theatrical hit in North America's major markets. Imagine spending time with two of your favorite storytelling grandfathers who just happened to make dirty movies. MAU MAU SEX SEX features Dan Sonney and David Friedman, Independent Cinema's original outlaws, and who the New York Times affectionately calls "the Sunshine Boys of Smut." Take a scintillating sojourn through a century of cinematic sex, and a hilarious and unexpectedly poignant look at the friendship, families, and fortunes of two men who catered to a repressed society's forbidden desires, and made a bigger impact on the culture's concept of sexuality than Masters and Johnson. Since the 1940s they have produced an avalanche of "Adults Only" movies for generations of insatiably curious moviegoers.

Product ID: 104342
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Comedy
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: VHS Video Tape
Fullscreen (original format) DVD overflows with extras, including a wild and hilarious collection of trailers, a special photo album of rare poster art and promotional materials, two different audio tracks, selections from the hit soundtrack, filmographies, biographies, and more...
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