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Lingvistica - PG-PARS Eng to and from Russian Comprehensive Dictionary Sofware

Lingvistica - PG-PARS Eng to and from Russian Comprehensive Dictionary Sofware
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This product includes a very large EnglishóRussian general dictionary and a dictionary lookup program.

The PG-PARS dictionary is organized as traditional printed-on-paper dictionaries.

The PG-PARS dictionary is bi-directional, i.e. it includes both the English-Russian and the Russian-English parts. Each part has its alphabetical index of entries displayed on a separate tab in the PG-PARS main window.

You can use the traditional method: look up a word or a key word of a phrase in the index, and then examine the dictionary entry (we call this 'simple search'), or use the 'smart search' mode, which is also useful when looking for a phrase.

You can find translations in the drag-and-drop mode. Besides, you can drag the text selected in the Dictionary Entry window to copy it to another application, such as MS Word.

To install PG-PARS, insert the PG-PARS CD in the CD-ROM drive, after which the autorun facility will start disk installation. Otherwise, please run SETUP.EXE from your PG-PARS CD. Setup will take you through a series of dialogs in which you can change the installation directory. By default, PG-PARS installs in a subdirectory in your Program Files folder.

Besides the program and dictionary files, the CD has a user guide, Manual.rtf, which you can open and print out (if required) using your MS Word. Dictionary statistics: 300,000+ entries in each part, E-R and R-E; 750,000+ translations in each part.

Product ID: 43376
Categories: Dictionary, Software - Windows
Supporting language: Russian
Platforms/media types: Windows 95/98, Windows NT, CD-Rom, Windows 2000, Windows ME
Lingvistica - PG-PARS Eng to and from Russian Comprehensive Dictionary Sofware

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