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Learning Dakota Isanti Single User Version
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Learning Dakota Language: Head Start and Beginner levels There are two Dakota languages in 14 Units presented in the way it is spoken in Saskatchewan, Manitoba in Canada and South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Oklahoma in the United States. Numbers, Money and Time: There are eight sections in this unit aimed at developing the students’ skill. Knowledge is acquired through the use of words, phrases and graphic depictions. This unit also contains games and other activities for reinforcement. Alphabets and pronounciations: The learner is introduced to the distinctive letters of the language. For each letter the student clicks on, he/she will hear the sound and the way it is pronounced. There are sample words and sentences taken from our daily living to reinforce the use of the alphabets. This unit also has activities and games for the purpose of enhancing the knowledge gained. Colors/Colours and Shapes: Students are introduced to eleven different colors/colours and fifteen different shapes. There are six sections in this unit. The learners are taught how to pronounce the various colors/colours and shapes. There are activities to assist the students in recognizing the names of colors and the way in which they are pronounced. Animate and inanimate objects are described. Day, Months and Calendar: There are five sections that cover the days, months and calendar. This unit includes activities within each section to reinforce the words, pronunciations and concepts, introduced to the students through sight, sound and spelling. My Body and sense organs: This section contains pictures of the different parts of the body, how we pronounce these parts, and what they look like. There are sentences to describe the functions and usage of the body parts, which help the students in developing vocabulary usage. There are also activities for the student to reinforce the knowledge gained from this unit. Animals and Plants: This unit introduces the learners to the various common animals and plants found in the world and most especially North America. The characteristics of many different kinds of animals and plants are well illustrated fort the student’s enjoyment and learning. This unit also has five sections including activities testing. The creatures are graphically illustrated with movement and sound. My Family and Relatives: In this unit, the student is provided with the confidence to address family members respectively with the proper kinship terms and sentences and phrases. The program identifies the person in both English and the focused language being taught or learned. This unit also has four sections including activities testing. The use of graphics aids in the identification of individual family members. Foods and food products: Students will have fun identifying foods and the four main food groups as they navigate through this category. This unit also has four sections including activities testing. The knowledge gained from the lessons in this unit can solidify the student’s understanding of the issues surrounding nutrition. Clothing, Household and School Objects: This unit is designed to teach students the names of clothing articles, and common household and school objects. The Students will identify these articles and objects by listening to the names and the correct pronunciation. A matching game is used to make the unit fun for the student. This unit has six sections including activities testing. The clothing, household and school objects are well illustrated. Story Time and Songs: The Tradition continues: Learning has traditionally been accomplished though storytelling by the elders of a community; listening to and participating in the songs, strengthens the listener’s understanding of their cultural history. The Student develops an enthusiasm for reading and appreciates the importance of listening for enjoyment and information. There are four stories and two songs to choose from in this unit. The contents of the unit is written and spoken in English and the focused language. Common Phrases and Sentences: Students are introduced to the basic command words a teacher may use in the classroom, by parents and peers at home, and the various phrases encountered when traveling. This unit provides the student with the opportunity to practice these words and sentences and gain further understanding of their meaning. Nature, Weather, Seasons and Directions: This unit is designed to teach students the various common elements of nature, weather, seasons and the four directions. The Students will click on the graphical representations of the various elements and hear their pronunciation. They will move on to the activities and games sections, which are used to test the students’ comprehension of the words spoken. This unit also has six sections including activities testing. Transportations and Places: This unit is designed to teach students the names of transport vehicles and the names of various places. The Students will click on the picture of the vehicles or place to hear the pronunciation. This unit also has four sections. People and Professions: This unit is designed to teach students the races of people in the world and the names and occupations of various professions. The Students will click on the picture of the people or profession to hear the pronunciation. This unit also has four sections. This language software is highly interactive and presented in English and the target language (Dakota). It serves dual purpose. CD required in computer

Product ID: 107823
Categories: Learn, Learn > Beginners
Supporting language: Dakota (Sioux, Lakota)
Platforms/media types: Mac, CD-Rom, PC System
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