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Languages > French > Movies/Videos > Le Gai Savoir
Le Gai Savoir

Le Gai Savoir
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Two alien beings, brought together in an empty earth space, are exposed to our culture via its popular images--a compelling experiment that not only foreshadows the use of these images in Godard's later films but also explains precisely why these images are the building blocks of any film. As Godard explains at the end, "This film is not and cannot be an attempt to explain cinema or embody its object, but merely suggests effective ways to achieve it. This is not the film that should be made, but if a film is to be made it must follow some of the paths shown here." With Jean-Pierre Leaud and Juliet Berto. French with English subtitles.

Product ID: 5623
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: VHS Video Tape
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