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Languages > Georgian > Software - Mac > LaserGeorgian Pro (4 styles) for Mac
LaserGeorgian Pro (4 styles) for Mac

LaserGeorgian Pro (4 styles) for Mac
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LaserGeorgian for Macintosh includes two TrueType and ATM-compatible Type 1 fonts: TbilisiText and TbilisiCaps. You can change any text from lower case to capital letters simply by changing it to the TbilisiCaps font. LaserGeorgian Professional for Macintosh includes everything in LaserGeorgian and adds three headline fonts: Batumi, Mtskheta, and Telavi. No option key positions needed for any Georgian letters in contemporary use. Includes the Georgian typewriter keyboard layout driver for people who prefer it to the English-equivalent transliterated layout of the font itself. LaserGeorgian for Macintosh includes two TrueTyper and ATM-compatible Type 1 fonts: TbilisiText and TbilisiCaps. You can change any text from lower case to capital letters simply by changing it to the TbilisiCaps font. LaserGeorgian Professional for Macintosh includes everything in LaserGeorgian and adds three headline fonts: Batumi, Mtskheta, and Telavi. No option key positions needed for any Georgian letters in contemporary use. Includes the Georgian typewriter keyboard layout driver for people who prefer it to the English-equivalent transliterated layout of the font itself. System Requirements: Mac SE-30 or newer, System 6.0.7 or newer. MUST SPECIFY IF FOR SYSTEM 6.

Product ID: 147
Categories: Fonts, Software - Mac, System
Supporting language: Georgian
Platforms/media types: Mac
Specifications: Mac SE-30 or newer, System 6.0.7 or newer. MUST SPECIFY IF FOR SYSTEM 6.
Font Sample

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