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La casa en Mango Street Marquee Spanish Poster

La casa en Mango Street Marquee Spanish Poster
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La casa en Mango Street Marquee Spanish Poster «En inglés mi nombre quiere decir “hope”. En español tiene muchas letras. Quiere decir “tristeza”, “espera.” » As you read the classic novel La casa en Mango Street in your class, this poster makes a great reference. Use it to illustrate the symbolism, characters, and themes of the book to your students. Teacher’s Tip: Teachers can incorporate an authentic novel into the curriculum by choosing a noteworthy section, discussing symbolism within the novel, and describing the significance of the novel itself.

Product ID: 505514
Category: Posters
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: ©2018. 19 x 27 inches. Laminated.
If you discuss each chapter, have students use a poster board and markers to create their own marquee posters for this book, but with each chapter’s contents as the theme for each poster. Once all the posters are done, have students retell the story as they use the drawings on their posters to recount, in order, what happened.
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