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Languages > French > Movies/Videos > Children's > La Mere Michele, French (DVD)

La Mere Michele, French (DVD)
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This video is part of the “Children Video Collection” in DVD format that engage, entertain, and educate children from kindergarten to grade three, with the purpose that learning is fun for children. This initiative was designed by ESL experts with entertainment producers. Together, they have created a learning aid that effectively teaches while maintaining attention and enthusiasm. This video contains about 10 to 30minutes of fun language learning visuals designed to hold the interest of children. They incorporate educational curriculum that teaches language in a way that children will have fun while learning. They allow the student to see, hear, and read in Haitian Creole or in English, depending on titles. Some have very interesting paintings from Haitian artists to connect culturally to the students. The music is fun; the images are colorful, the animation and visual effects are creative and the dramatic vignettes are close to reality.

Product ID: 501549
Categories: Kids, Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Children's
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: DVD
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