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Languages > Spanish > Biographies > La Habana en un espejo

La Habana en un espejo
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By Alma Guillermoprieto This book narrates the six month that journalist Alma Guillermoprieto, a former student of important figures of modern dance, such as Martha graham, Merce Cunningham and Twyla Tharp, spent in Cuba as a young contemporary dance teacher in 1970. The author remembers thos years of political turmoil; years marked by politically relevant success, like Salvador Allende's electoral triumph. Guillermoprieto confronts her life in the island, and particularaly her political position, that in those days tried to convey with the ideals of her generation. She also gets away with a very interesting thought that captures the complexity of the Cuban Revolution. It is an emotive recount of her juvenile days that with inspired moderation ends with a melacholic tint when she says: "In Cuba, there is little left of the revolution that I knew".

Product ID: 107315
Category: Biographies
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
paperback, 304 pages
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