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La Gran Aventura / The Great Adventure

La Gran Aventura / The Great Adventure
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Milo Zederiak, a famous children's book writer, has been without inspiration ever since his wife passed away. Ideas and magical characters are locked up in his mind, unable to escape. The World of Fantasy can't allow that to happen, so they send Peter Pan, Bell, and Hercules to set them—and Milo—free. As Milo sleeps, they go into his mind as one of his dreams. Will they be able to set his ideas and characters free? How? Will Milo ever be able to write beautiful stories again?

Milo Zederiak, un famoso escritor de cuentos, ha perdido su inspiración a causa de la muerte de su esposa. Todas sus ideas y personajes fantásticos han quedado prisioneros dentro de su mente. El Mundo de la Fantasía no lo puede permitir, y envía a Peter Pan, Bella y Hércules a rescatarlos. Mientras Milo duerme logran entrar y en su mente en su imaginación a bordo de un sueño. ¿Conseguirán liberar a los prisioneros? ¿De qué manera? Y Milo, ¿volverá a escribir bellos cuentos?

Product ID: 500517
Categories: Children's Books, Fiction, Kids
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
  • Childrens: Fiction, Libros en español
  • Age Range: 7 to 9
  • 128 pages, Trade Paper, 5 3/4 x 8 1/2
  • ©1992-2024 World Language Resources, Inc.    All Rights Reserved.
    2390 Crenshaw Blvd., #813, Torrance, CA 90501 USA     Tel: 424-328-0063    

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