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Kishore Kumar - The Definitive Biography

Kishore Kumar - The Definitive Biography
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Kishore Kumar's was the second golden male voice that the film industry produced. , the first being that of Kundan Lal Sehgal. Besides being a singer, Kishore was a talented actor and comedian who stood out for his performances. He made his mark as an accomplished film and music director.

Such a versatile showman should have by now had several volumes explaining the phenomenon. But so far there has been no authentic and well-researched work on Kishore Kumar. This book fills a part of this vacuum. The author has successfully evolved a perspective by being able to look at both the person and the phenomenon. This has reconciled the star with the man behind.

This biography also provides glimpses into this personal life including his marriages to Ruma Ghosh, Madhubala, Yogeeta Bali and Leena. The book manages to ber quite dispassionate about the virtues and follies of the mercurial artiste.

Product ID: 44011     ISBN-10: 067088264X
Categories: Biographies, Cinema, Personality
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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