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Kama Sutra - Knowledge for Men, Wisdom for Women

Kama Sutra - Knowledge for Men, Wisdom for Women
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An innovatively packaged twin-set of volumes on art paper on the celebrated treatise on Man-Woman relationships- a his-and-hers version, which is based entirely on the precepts that sage Vatsyayana set out in the Kama Sutra.

The Kama Sutra means different things to different people. To some it stands for the Erotic East, to others it is a salacious piece of writing, sanctified merely by its antiquity. To others still, is a scholarly thesis, amazing in its breadth and depth. There are also those who find is in turns boring and hilarious, old-fashioned, pedantic and sexist. It is all of this - and more.

This work looks at the Kama Sutra from yet another angle. It is timeless and universal in the concepts that it sets out. It is frank, candid and completely free of any guilt while discussing sex. The appeal of the Kama Sutra lies in this: that when you take away the idiom, the substance does not suffer. That no matter how you twist and turn the language, no matter in what mould you choose to cast your words, the basic facts still ring true.

It is in this spirit that the work presents this elegant twin-set of volumes. A his-and her version, which is based entirely on the precepts that sage Vatsyayana set out in the Kama Sutra.

What you will find in this volume is the man's point of view. Yet it relates entirely to the woman. Read it by yourself and red it with her. It gives you the freedom to do both - enjoy your privacy and savor your togetherness.

In the first volume of this twin-set, we have spoken about the timeless appeal of the Kama Sutra with particular reference to men. In the second volume, we have attempted to do the same for women.

Read this book by yourself , alone, and also later with your beloved. As you read through the book, it will reveal to you unexpected and delightful ways to enjoy and enhance your pleasures.

Product ID: 46625     ISBN-10: 817436174X
Category: Erotic Literature
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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