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Languages > Haitian > Children's Books > Janjak and Freda Go to the Iron Market Paperback in Haitian-Creole & English

Janjak and Freda Go to the Iron Market Paperback in Haitian-Creole & English
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Janjak and Freda Go to the Iron Market Paperback – May 16, 2013 by Elizabeth J. Turnbull (Author), Mark Jones (Illustrator), Wally R. Turnbull (Translator)

In this first book of the bilingual Janjak and Freda series, cousins Janjak and Freda go with their godmother on an exciting adventure to Haiti's famous Iron Market. While there, they make many new friends, taste new fruits, and show the value of helping others when a runaway goat causes havoc in the market. The colorful text and beautiful illustrations will leave children dreaming up their own adventures. This story is told in such a way that the characters, scenery, and plot will be meaningful to both English speaking children and Creole speaking children. Rather than a literal translation, the Creole text has been rewritten by Wally Turnbull to provide the most authentic experience for Creole speakers. -----------

Product ID: 505499     ISBN-10: 1611530628
Category: Children's Books
Supporting languages: Creole, Haitian
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: Age Range: 8 - 12 years Grade Level: 3 - 7 Paperback: 36 pages Language: English ISBN-10: 1611530628 ISBN-13: 978-1611530629 Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.1 x 10 inches Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces
A Creole pronunciation guide at the back and a page of history about the Iron Market are useful supplements for parents and teachers seeking to broaden their children's world view.

Review Janjak & Freda (re)introduce us to the sights, sounds, and tastes of Port au Prince. We encounter the lively entrepreneurial markets, the delicious foods, and the Haitian sense of community all through the eyes of two eager and bright young children... This book is for kids who want to encounter a beautiful, rich part of the world... I can tell you this short piece of "children's literature" now has a permanent place in my Haiti-library; it just might help me get through all the other grown-up reading next to it. -Carlo Diy, From the Author My desire in writing the Janjak & Freda series was to provide a children's book about the joys, discoveries, and adventures that can come with being a child in Haiti. The majority of the very few children's books about Haiti tackle serious, difficult social issues such as abandonment, street children, and violence. While Haitian children do in many ways experience a harsher childhood than their neighbors to the north, they also feel the same childlike joys of discovery, adventure, and new experiences. They, too, have the special innocence of childhood that radiates from within. In Janjak & Freda, I strive to share the joys, innocence, and lessons of childhood through the lens of a Haitian child. The book is bilingual so that Haitian children can also share in the stories of Janjak & Freda who are, after all, just like them.

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