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Languages > Italian > Learn > Children's > Italian for Children - (Paperback and Audio Cd's) 3rd Ed.[BOX SET]
Italian for Children - (Paperback and Audio Cd's) 3rd Ed.[BOX SET]

Italian for Children - (Paperback and Audio Cd's) 3rd Ed.[BOX SET]
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Already a proven home-study program, the Language for Children series is making noise with this updated, integrated book-plus-audio edition. Along with its charming visuals and lively activities, the series now provides in CD format the stimulating sounds of language to entice preschoolers through primary graders into learning a second language. Cute, catchy songs and the humorous, serial adventures of SuperCat are sure to captivate the imagination and foster language acquisition. Each set in the series contains an 80-page full-color activity book coordinated with two 60-minute CDs as well as a Parent/Instructor CD packed with helpful tips. Together children and parents can master basic language skills, including making introductions, counting from 1 to 20, and describing objects. The perfect package for parents and teachers who want to familiarize three- to nine-year olds with foreign languages and cultures.

Product ID: 109719     ISBN-13: 9780071744904     ISBN-10: 0071744908
Categories: Children's Books, Kids, Learn, Learn > Children's
Supporting language: Italian
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter, Audio CD
Specifications: # Reading level: Ages 4-8 # Paperback # Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 3rd edition (March,15.2011)# Language: English # ISBN-10: 0071407731 # ISBN-13: 978-007-1744-904 # Product Dimensions: 11.5 x 8.6 x 1.8 inches # Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds
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