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Islamic Encyclopedia

Islamic Encyclopedia
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Islamic Encyclopedia is a document driven program. Most of the documents are cross -referenced and linked to each other, creating a very convenient and powerful research tool for the user. Its friendly user interface makes the program easy to learn and use.Many of Islamics features are user definable, from the color of text to the actual looks of each document


  • Find: The text you want instantly. Go directly to a specific verse. See all occurrences of a word in context. Search for a phrase and find relevant passages.


  • Search: From beginning of document to end. Current line to any specified range. From a certain title to any other user specified title. In addition, you can search for a whole words, match accents, case or pattern and search for occurances.
  • Occurances: Are linked to the associated text that can be displayed in its entirely.
  • Go To: Allows you to go to any line, paragraph, page of title in the document.
  • Index: Lists most of the words in the document and gives statistics about its occurances. Each occurances is referenced to its location in the document, and its associated text can be displayed.
  • List: Alows the document to scroll at a user definable speed to facilitate reading without having to flip pages.
  • Table of Contents: Allows you to see a complete list of the subjects contained in the document. In additiion, you can instantaneously go to any subject by clicking on it.
  • Annotation: Allows you to write notes and link them to specific words. The annotation editor is a full multilingual editor through which you can copy/paste to the clipboard and print.
  • Sound Annotaion: A unique feature. Instead of typing research notes, the user cant record notes by speaking into the computer's mictophone. User can type his annotation notes while playing back the sound annotation; a useful for busy researchers.
  • Slide Show Player: A powerful, beneficial and easy to use tool. It allows you to display the original slide show that comes with the program, and to listento the recitation of the Holy Qur'an.

    Player also allows you to create your own slide show using a simple scheme. Record your own sounds or narration to accompany the slide show. Unlimited slide shows can be created-just compose your script and play it. Player can be used as a multimedia educational tool. Enjoy the beauty of the Holy Qur'an (Arabic and translations).Enjoy the magnificent language of the Arabic Holy Qur'an written in the elegant Othmani style. Let yourself be moved by the inspirational language and be mesmerized by the beautifulrecitations. Re-live the inspiration of Islam. Immerse yourself in the richness of Islam..

    Product ID: 41701
    Categories: Religious Studies, Software - Windows
    Supporting languages: Arabic, English
    Platforms/media types: Windows 95/98, Windows NT
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