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Languages > Italian > Movies/Videos > Drama > Iron Crown,The

Iron Crown,The
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A rare work from Mussolini's Italy; critic Mira Liehm writes, "The center of Blasetti's work lay in the mythological films and films with an openly pro-fascist tendency. In the years 1938-1941 he shot a generally overvalued costume tetralogy, which represents a transition between his fascist films and his work after 1942. The most important of this tetralogyis The Iron Crown, a pseudo-historical fantasy based on a naive plotwhich tried to create a kind of Italian saga in the style of Die NiebelungenliedBlasetti, the true eclectic, mixed in everything he could think of, including Ariosto and the Grimm Brothers, while his directing drew heavily on early Fritz Lang." Italian with English subtitles.

Product ID: 16503
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Drama
Supporting language: Italian
Platforms/media types: VHS Video Tape
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