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Interactive Spanish Grammar Made Easy

Interactive Spanish Grammar Made Easy
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Introducing an exciting new interactive resource for mastering Spanish grammar basics

The best way to learn Spanish--or any language--is through interactive instruction. Unfortunately, many people don’t have the time for formal classes or private language tutors. Interactive Spanish Grammar Made Easy solves that problem by providing a powerful new way to master Spanish grammar basics that is authoritative, thorough, and very accessible. This fully integrated book/CD-ROM package features a jargon-free, basic introduction to Spanish. The CD-ROM contains more than 220 interactive exercises linked to corresponding units in the book and features pop-up tips and audio of all vocabulary and answers. You can practice your listening and pronunciation skills while mastering grammar basics.

Product ID: 106647     ISBN-10: 0071460950
Category: Learn
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: CD-Rom, Printed Matter
1. Verbs 1.1 Verbs: talking about what you do 1.2 Talking about what you are doing now: the present tense 1.3 Negatives, interrogatives and imperatives 1.4 The past tenses 1.5 The future tenses and the conditional 1.6 The subjunctive 1.7 Fast track: Verbs 1.8 Useful expressions using verbs 2. Nouns and Determiners 2.1 Nouns and gender 2.2 Nouns and the words for 'the': el and la 2.3 Nouns and the words for "the" in the plural: los and las 2.4 Nouns and the words for 'a': un and una 2.5 How to tell if a noun is masculine of feminine 2.6 'My', 'your', 'his', 'her', etc.: possessive adjectives 2.7 More determiners 3. Pronouns 3.1 yo, tu, usted, el, ella, etc: subject pronouns 3.2 lo,la, los las- him, her, it, us them: direct object pronouns 3.3 Me, te, le, nos, os, les: indirect object pronouns 3.4 Mi, ti, etc: prepositional / disjunctive pronouns 3.5 Object pronouns and the impartive 3.6 Quien Que: interrrogative words 3.7 Mio, tuyo, etc.: possessive pronouns 3.8 Que, quien, etc.: relative pronouns 3.9 Este/ esta,ese/ esa aquel/ aquella-this, that, etc. 3.10 Fast track: Pronouns 4. Adjectives 4.1 Adjectives agreement 4.2 The position of adjectives 4.3 Fast track: Adjectives 4.4 Big, bigger, biggest: the comparative and superlative 5. Adverbs 5.1 Formation of adverbs 5.2 Other useful adverbs 5.3 Comparison of adverbs 5.4 Fast track: Adverbs 6. Prepositions 6.1 Recognising prepositions 6.2 Using prepositions 7. Conjunctions and other useful words
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