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Interactive French Grammar Made Easy

Interactive French Grammar Made Easy
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Get the grammar monkey off your back and finally feel comfortable speaking and writing in French

In a perfect world, you would have been born into a French-speaking family! But Interactive French Grammar Made Easy is the next best thing--the only grammar guide to feature a CD-ROM packed with more than 200 varied exercises. The workbook and CD-ROM combo will give you a firm grip on French grammar and make you proficient in speaking and writing in the language too!

In the workbook, each chapter introduces a part of speech. The grammar concepts are then reinforced by helpful advice boxes and an abundance of examples. Going beyond other grammar programs, the CD-ROM not only features pop-up tips and instant scoring for all the exercises, but all the featured vocabulary and answers are spoken by a French-language authority. So while you fine tune your grammar, your pronunciation gets a workout too.

Using Interactive French Grammar Made Easy, even lazy linguists can master:

  • Verbs--infinitives, irregular verbs, past tenses, perfect tenses, and more tenses that make even the best grammar students tense
  • Nouns and Pronouns--gender of nouns, direct and indirect objects, demonstrative pronouns, and other forms that are often mixed up
  • Adjective and Adverbs--adjectival agreement, comparative and superlative adjectives, adjectives used as adverbs, and other situations in which these words can be indescribably frustrating
  • Prepositions and Conjunctions--prepositions of position, helpful phrases, expressions of time, and other words that hold French together and make your language confidence fall apart

    Product ID: 106644     ISBN-10: 0071460896
    Category: Learn
    Supporting language: French
    Platforms/media types: CD-Rom, Printed Matter
    Introducing an exciting new interactive resource for mastering French grammar basics

    The best way to learn French--or any language--is through interactive instruction. Unfortunately, many people don’t have the time for formal classes or private language tutors. Interactive French Grammar Made Easy solves that problem by providing a powerful new way to master French grammar basics that is authoritative, thorough, and very accessible. This fully integrated book/CD-ROM package features a jargon-free, basic introduction to French. The CD-ROM contains more than 220 interactive exercises linked to corresponding units in the book and features pop-up tips and audio of all vocabulary and answers. You can practice your listening and pronunciation skills while mastering grammar basics.

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