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Languages > Arabic > Intensive FSI Arabic (Saudi) Basic Course w/ Hijazi(Audio CD)
Intensive FSI Arabic (Saudi) Basic Course w/ Hijazi(Audio CD)

Intensive FSI Arabic (Saudi) Basic Course w/ Hijazi(Audio CD)
Buy now for $185.00 (regularly $199.95) Add to Cart
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Get started for a fraction of the cost. You can then acquire the remainder of the course at a very reasonable price as you progress in your studies. You get the complete Text (288 pages) The printed material is in English and the roman letters are used to approximate the Saudi Arabic sounds. PLUS the first four compact discs - CD#1: Lesson 1 - Hello, how are you, greetings; 2 - Good Morning; 3 - Visiting a home; 4 - You speak Arabic well, where did you study? CD#2: 5 - Do you speak English? 6 - Welcome, what is your name? CD#3: 7 - How's the family; 8 - May I ask a question? CD#4: 9 - Hello, I missed you, how is your health? 10 - Can you tell me when you arrived; 11 - In the office; 12 - Telling Time

Product ID: 104057     ISBN-13: 9781579705534     ISBN-10: 1579705537
Categories: Classroom/Schools, Classroom/Teaching Materials, Learn
Supporting language: Arabic
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter, Audio CD
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