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Instant Immersion - Italian (4 CD-ROM Set)

Instant Immersion - Italian (4 CD-ROM Set)
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Speak Italian Fast Step-By-Step!
In Europe, it's no secret that the vast majority of people are either bilingual or trilingual. The Euro Method™ is the easy and simple way many Europeans use to learn to speak a second language. Based on the same tried and proven techniques that allow a four-year old to learn to speak a language long before that same child can read or write, the Instant Immersion Italian™ box set is guaranteed to be the best method for learning to SPEAK Italian quickly. For years, linguists have known that an immersion environment is the absolute, fastest way to learn a second language–the concept is based on being surrounded by native speakers and a new culture. Because most of us cannot afford to spend six months in Italy, the Instant Immersion™ method is the next best thing, simulating immersion with interactive Italian lessons and speakers. The first two CDs are from EuroTalk, the leading publisher of language learning software in Europe. Talk Now! and World Talk­ will take you from a beginner to an intermediate speaker faster than any other software on the market, and all the while, they are fun, easy-to-follow, and unlike other software programs, you will be able to complete all the lessons. Webster's New World Five-Language Talking Dictionary is a real time pop-up dictionary that allows translation from English to French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Dutch. Finally, to round out the immersion experience, Voyage in Italy offers an excellent multimedia overview of the sights in Italy and the lifestyles of its inhabitants. Start speaking Italian today!

Product ID: 45996     ISBN-10: 1886089590
Categories: Learn, Software - Windows
Supporting language: Italian
Platforms/media types: Windows 95/98, CD-Rom
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