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Instant Immersion - Chinese (2 CD-ROM Set)

Instant Immersion - Chinese (2 CD-ROM Set)
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Speak Mandarin Chinese Fast Step-By-Step!

In Europe, it's no secret that the vast majority of people are either bilingual or trilingual. The Euro Method™ is the easy and simple way many Europeans use to learn to speak a second language. Based on the same tried and proven techniques that allow a four-year old to speak a language long before that same child can read or write, the Instant Immersion Mandarin Chinese™ CDs are guaranteed to be the best method for learning to SPEAK Chinese quickly. Our Instant Immersion™ method provides interactive lessons that truly immerse you into the language. The two CD-ROMs enclosed are from EuroTalk, the leading publisher of language-learning software in Europe. Talk Now! and World Talk­ will take you from a beginner to an intermediate speaker faster than any other language-learning software on the market, and all the while, they are fun and easy to follow. Start speaking Mandarin Chinese, today!

Product ID: 46002     ISBN-10: 1886089981
Categories: Learn, Software - Mac, Software - Windows
Supporting language: Chinese
Platforms/media types: Mac, Windows 95/98, Windows NT, CD-Rom, Windows 2000
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