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India - Andhra Culture during the Kakatiyan Times
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The rule of the Kakatiyan of Warangal is the golden period in the Cultural History of Andhra Pradesh. The imperial Kakatiyas and their feudal chiefs have left behind some magnificient temples situated at Palampet, Warangal, Hanumakonda, Ghanapur, Katakshapur, Bejjanki, Ramanjapur, Bhootpur, Nidikonda, Nagulapadu, Pillalamarri, Jhakaram, Manthani, Kuchimanchi, Ryali, Motupalli, Peda Thumbalam and host of others which contain some wxquisite pieces of sculptural art.

Though a major part of the Kakatiyan sculptural art is essentially religious nonelheless it contains several secular themes which are useful for study of social and cultural aspects of the time. These sculptures which reflect a cohesive experience of the cults and communities contain narrative reliefs from scriptures like Mahabharata, Ramayana and Bhagavatha, historical and semi-histroical scenes, music and dance scenes, toilet scenes, drummers, flute players, the alasakanys or the indolent maidens, s warriors, animals of warfare such as horses, elephants etc. The most famous bracket figures from Ramappa temple at Palampet are unique in conception and execution. These nude girls and dancers in various postures are the faithful representations from the Silpasastras and classical dance texts

Product ID: 43734
Category: Culture & Tradition
Supporting language: English
Applicable country: India
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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