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Hindi for Non-Hindi Speaking People

Hindi for Non-Hindi Speaking People
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Hindi for Non-Hindi speaking people is an original two-in-one monograph that covers grammar and is a reader for beginners. The book has virtually sprung from Kavita Kumar's long experience of teaching Hindi to foreign students of several nationalities. It can be used both as a classroom text and for self study. It is designed to meet the needs of the novice, taking him/her gradually to intermediate and upper intermediate levels of proficiency. The book can be gainfully used even by fairly advanced students who nevertheless, still sometimes make grammatical mistakes in speech and writing.

The book is a complete course in an easy-to-follow style comprising of meticulously arranged and graded lessons (units). A complete course in spoken and written Hindi - a practical course that is both fun and eadily comprehensible. A journey to the Hindi alphabet, its vowels, consonants, conjunct letters and phonetic transliteration, through the sections of practice reading tailored to fit interesting and practical daily life situaltions in India. She explains everything clearly along the way with many opportunities to practice what you learn, gives exercises of reading based on rules explained earlier in the text, lists of antonyms and synonyms, sound words and phrases, and idioms and essentials of grammar dealt with a minimum of jargon.

The book fulfills a long-felt need for reference Hindi grammar for non-Hindi speaking people outside the country.

Product ID: 46112     ISBN-13: 9788171673506     ISBN-10: 8171673503
Category: Learn
Supporting language: Hindi
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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