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Hands-On Alphabet Activities for Young Children

Hands-On Alphabet Activities for Young Children
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Here is an exciting new Reading Readiness Program that bridges the gap between whole language and phonics by giving children "real" reading experiences with poems, big books, and "little" books as they master the letters and sounds of the alphabet!

The program is organized into 27 sections, one for each letter of the alphabet and a final project to celebrate the conclusion of children's alphabet study. Each letter-section contains three ready-to-use lesson plans with related individual and group activities along with a reproducible poem, reproducible big and little letter books, and reproducible award. Most also include a reproducible art activity page.

For easy use, all program materials are printed in a big 8 1/4" x 11" format for photocopying and the lessons and reproducibles for each letter are uniformly structured throughout:

Lesson 1 - In the first lesson, children learn to visually recognize the letter by its name and to auditorily recognize it as the initial sound in various words. Blackline masters are provided for a related poem and art activity. Lesson 2Next, children re-read the poem and then read a big letter book after the teacher models directionality and 1-1 match. For an independent activity, children color the illustrations of their little letter book and then read the predictable story after the teacher models the same procedures again. Blackline masters are included for the big and little letter books. Lesson 3Finally, children use specific strategies while reading their little letter books to make sure what they're reading makes sense (meaning) ... determine whether what they read sounds grammatically correct (structure) ... recognize the correct letter as the initial sound when reading a word in context (visual) ... and understand what they read has to match the number of words on a page (1-1 match). A blackline master is included for an award.

After children have successfully read each letter book, an award is pinned to their clothing that reads, "I can read My _____ Book. Just ask me!" To reinforce the importance of this award, you'll find a letter to send home with children at the start of the school year explaining the program and the need to have at least one adult at home listen as the child reads his/her little letter books.

And, as a further help, you'll find a bibliography of suggested alphabet story books to read aloud as well as step-by-step directions for making letter cans, chart-size poems, big and little books, and awards.

By actively involving children in book-handling experiences and letter-sound awareness, this unique program of "hands-on activities" builds self-esteem, confidence, independence and enthusiasm for learning to read right from the very start!

Product ID: 105053     ISBN-13: 9780876283905     ISBN-10: 0876283903
Categories: Children's Books, Kids, Learn
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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