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Languages > Russian > Movies/Videos > Glasnost Film Festival Vol. 01 - Against the Current and The Wood

Glasnost Film Festival Vol. 01 - Against the Current and The Wood
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Glasnost Film Festival Vol. 1: Against the Current and The Wood Goblin. Against the Current is a film about ecological crime and how the residents of Kirishi educate themselves to the meaning of citizenship. They are called extremists, but they continue to organize protests of a major synthetic protein plant. "We couldn't breathe, we coughed, we itched, we buried our childrenbut we can't put up with it any more," a young woman shouts indignantly at a rally. The residents call the illness "Bykov's disease," after the factory's founder, who is now a government minister. Directed by Dmitri Delov, 1988, 27 mins. The Wood Goblin focuses on an old man who has lived alone in the woods with a cat and two dogs for 15 years, in a house he built by himself. He commanded a tank company during World War II and after the war was a local Communist Party chief. Fired from his position after a smear campaign, he went away to live in the woods. As he puts it, he "joined the party of the green world", which he now defends against resourceful poachers and woodcutters. Directed by Boris Kustov, 1987, 18 mins. Both films in Russian with English subtitles.

Product ID: 4784
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting languages: Irish, Irish Gaelic, Russian
Platforms/media types: VHS Video Tape
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