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Gays Y Lesbianas: Vida Y Cultura

Gays Y Lesbianas: Vida Y Cultura
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A historic look at the culture of homosexuality throughout time, this volume reflects on the so-called "secret history" of a community that for years has been marginalized, neglected, and misunderstood. A detailed and diverse account by nine different historians is also included describing the distinct ways that same-sex relationships have existed throughout the world across different time periods.

Una mirada histórica a la cultura de la homosexualidad a través del tiempo, este volumen presenta una reflexión sobre la llamada "historia secreta" de una comunidad que ha sido marginalizada, olvidada y malinterpretada durante siglos. Historiadores de nueve diferentes países analizan las relaciones entre personas del mismo sexo a través del mundo y la historia.

Product ID: 500596
Categories: Science, Social
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
384 pages
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