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French MS Combat Flight Simulator 3 Complete Package

French MS Combat Flight Simulator 3 Complete Package
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Menus and manuals in French: As a pilot in Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3, you fly in the historical framework of the tactical air war in northwest Europe starting in mid-1943, but there's a significant difference. The skill and perseverance you and your squadron or Staffel bring to each battle can alter the tactical situation and the timeline of the campaign. This open-ended and flexible campaign means you can influence events, alter history, and extend the timeline to add new technology to your arsenal. How you handle these tactical and technological advantages will determine the outcome. In Combat Flight Simulator 3, it's 1943, and no one knows what's going to happen... Feel the adrenalin rush as you start strafing enemy positions at 350 mph, 600 feet above the European countryside, guns blazing and bombs blasting. In Combat Flight Simulator 3 (CFS3) you can fly for the USAAF, RAF, or the Luftwaffe in some of the most advanced and exotic aircraft of WWII.

Product ID: 104737
Category: Games
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Windows
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