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Foundations of American Education, 3/e

Foundations of American Education, 3/e
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Foundations of American Education, Third Edition

by Webb, Metha, and Jordan

Designed to help students understand what it takes to be an effective educator — the complexities, responsibilities, and commitments
Balances philosophical and historical foundations with current educational structures and practices

New: expanded coverage of the contributions made by women and minorities
New: discussed developing leadership in an era of school reform.

From the Back Cover

With the movement toward the professionalization of teaching and national teacher certification programs, it is critical that people understand what it takes to become an educator before they enter the field. This book encourages readers to contemplate the complexities, diverse responsibilities, and the commitment of time and energy it takes to become a successful teacher. Offers expanded treatment of the contributions of women and minorities throughout American education. Provides an...

At Merrill, we recognize that Foundations courses are just that… the foundation of an individual student’s study of education. So we strive, in each of our foundations books, to balance traditional information with the most current and timely developments, to ensure that your students have the foundation they need to be effective and caring professionals. Take a few minutes to browse our catalog, and see why we say that Merrill takes Education to a higher level!

Product ID: 459398     ISBN-10: 0139238719
Categories: Classroom/Schools, Classroom/Teaching Materials, Learn, Literature, Social Studies & Humanities
Supporting language: English
Applicable country: United States of America
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Foundations of American Education, 3/e

Foundations of American Education, 3/e

L. Dean Webb
Arlene Metha
K. Forbis Jordan, all of Arizona State University

Copyright 2000,

599 pp.

Paper format

ISBN 0-13-923871-9

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