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Product Types > Movies/Videos > Esther (DVD) in Hebrew, Arabic
Esther (DVD) in Hebrew, Arabic

Esther (DVD) in Hebrew, Arabic
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Amos Gitai (Kadosh, Kippur) updates the Biblical story of Esther in this unforgettable film. Drawing from ancient sources to explore the world today, Esther is a "dense, provocative" film (Village Voice) that is "bristling with ideas" (New York Times). Ahasverus, the ruler of a great and sprawling kingdom, chooses as his queen Esther, a beautiful peasant girl. Mordecai, Esther's uncle, convinces her not to tell Ahasverus that she is Jewish. But when Mordecai refuses to bow down before Ahasverus' lieutenant Haman, a vicious cycle of revenge begins, pitting friend against friend and a king against his queen's people. Cinematography by the great Henri Alekan (Beauty and the Beast, Roman Holiday, Wings of Desire and countless other classics). In Hebrew, Arabic and other languages, with English subtitles.

Product ID: 108224
Category: Movies/Videos
Supporting languages: Arabic, English, Hebrew
Platforms/media types: DVD
1986 -- 97 mins.
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