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Essential Portuguese Grammar

Essential Portuguese Grammar
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This is the first portuguese grammar designed specifically for adults with limited learning time, who have as their objective simple, everyday communication. The author covers the most important points of portuguese grammar in the clearest possible way, concentrating upon the expressions that you would be most likely to use. All grammatical rules are illustrated with phrases and sentences that you can incorporate directly into your working vocabulary, and hints are generously sprinkled throughout, showing you how to replace difficult constructions with simpler ones.

Constantly drawing comparisions with English construction, it presents in logical order all the major aspects of Portuguese grammar: word order, forming questions, nouns and articles, adjectives and adverbs, possessives, demonstratives adjectives and pronouns, how to form negatives, personal pronouns, conjunctions and prepositions, how to conjugate verbs in the major tenses, prepositions and infinitives, and so on.

This grammar does not assume prior knowledge of either portuguese grammar or of grammatical terms: one section is devoted to the defintion of all grammatical terms used in the book.

This is not simplified study, but rather a selected grammar for adult use that points out many time-saving short cuts. It can be used alone either as a beginner or as a refresher course in Portuguese Grammar or it can be an ideal supplement to a phrase book or record course for home study or class use.

4 Appendices covering regular conjugations, orthographic-changing verbs, radical-changing verbs, and irregular verbs. Glossary of grammatical terms.

Product ID: 104188     ISBN-13: 9780486216508     ISBN-10: 0486216500
Categories: Learn, Learn > Grammar
Supporting language: Portuguese
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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