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Languages > English > Esconde y Habla Ingles - Hide & Speak English for Spanish Speakers

Esconde y Habla Ingles - Hide & Speak English for Spanish Speakers
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These illustrated language-learning books use a tried and tested method for teaching children vocabulary in a new language. Kids open the book to any right-hand page, where they see two vertical lists. One shows pictures, the other gives words that match each picture in the target language. First, kids study the entire page, say the words out loud, and try to remember them. Next, they cover the pictures with the left-hand flap attached to the book's back cover. They read and recite the words out loud as they try to recall the adjoining picture. Then they lift the flap covering the pictures and use the cover's flap to cover the words. Using the pictures as a prompt, kids must try to repeat the words for the pictures. They can also use a water-based felt tip pen to write the words on the flaps. (Ages 7 and Older).

Product ID: 104195     ISBN-10: 0764125907
Categories: Children's Books, ESL Lessons, Kids
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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