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Languages > Spanish > Religious Studies > Buddhism > SGI > El Camino de los Jovenes - Daisaku Ikeda - Spanish
El Camino de los Jovenes - Daisaku Ikeda - Spanish

El Camino de los Jovenes - Daisaku Ikeda - Spanish
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Sentido común Budista para manejar las preguntas sobre la vida Daisaku Ikeda, spiritual leader for 12 million Soka Gakkai members, responds to the complicated issues facing American young people in a straightforward question-and-answer format. For all faiths, it addresses building character, the purpose of hard work, perseverance, family and relationships, tolerance, and preservation of the environment. Daisaku Ikeda, el líder espiritual a los 12 millones miembros mundiales de Soka Gakkai, responde a los asuntos complicados frente a los americanos jóvenes en un formato de pregunta y respuesta. Para los de todas fe, consiste de las temas de construyendo el carácter, el propósito del trabajo dedicado, de la perseverancia, de la familia y las relaciones, de la tolerancia, de la conservación del ambiente. Daisaku Ikeda is the author of more than 60 books including The Living Buddha, Buddhism: The First Millennium, Choose Life, and Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death. He is the president of the Soka Gakkai International Buddhist renewal movement and received the United Nations Peace Award. He lives in Tokyo, Japan.

Product ID: 102444     ISBN-10: 0967469732
Categories: Religious Studies, Religious Studies > Buddhism > SGI
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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