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Earth - 1947

Earth - 1947
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EARTH - 1947

'Just as there exists a genre called "the well-made play", the ought to to be one called "the well-made film". High among such movies, there's Deepa Mehta's 1947 (AKA Earth), a tragic romance, cleverly and conscientiously constructed, leaving you with the feeling of getting your time's, money's and intelligence's worth.

Here's a rewardingly good film then. Go for it.' - Khalid Mohamed (The Sunday Times of India, Mumbai, September 12, 1999)

'It was audacious of Aamir Khan to take on the role of 'Dil Nawaz' and he has given a remarkably balanced performance. Rahul Khanna has a striking screen presence and charming demeanor, but he needs to loosen up a bit and work on his accent. Nandita Das suits her role perfectly and gives Shanta an attractive pertness. The find of the film is undoubtedly Maia Sethna, who is utterly natural and uninhibited in front of the camera. A. R. Rahman's music is excellent - the composer seems to have got out of the rut and is exploring fresh territory. His music, the beautiful locations (captured by Giles Nuttgens' camera), dexterous editing and performances are reason enough to see the film...'

The film been chosen as the Indian entry for the OSCARS - ACADEMY AWARDS for the BEST FOREIGN FILM for 1999.

Comes with English subtitles.

Product ID: 4321
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Drama
Supporting language: Hindi
Platforms/media types: VHS Video Tape
Earth - 1947

Earth - 1947

Earth - 1947

Earth - 1947

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