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Don't Cry Sly Fox in Spanish and English PB

Don't Cry Sly Fox in Spanish and English PB
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Don't Cry Sly Fox in Spanish and English PB

Little Red's noisy neighbour, Mrs Fox, is hungry for roast chicken. First though, her son Sly has to catch one. How can Little Red outfox her neighbours and save herself from ending up on their dinner plates? In this fresh twist on the traditional tale of 'The Sly Fox and the Little Red Hen', Sly the fox and Little Red join forces to outwit Sly's bossy mother. Thanks to the clever little hen, they find a cunning way to feed the family of foxes and to save Little Red's skin too. 'Don't Cry, Sly!' offers a humorous new take on this famous tale. By presenting the story from both characters' perspectives, it encourages young readers to develop their sense of empathy and their awareness of others: who do we sympathise with in the story and why? What might change our feelings towards the characters? Set to become a classroom staple, this modern adaptation encourages creative problem solving and collaboration as well as offering scope for discussing PSHE topics such as the importance of kindness, good deeds and compromise. Mantra Lingua's 'Folktales, Myths and Legends' collection of dual language books breathes new life into a selection of well-loved tales from around the world. Lively illustrations, delightful rhymes and ingenious twists mean that children and adults alike will love rediscovering these modern adaptations of classic stories. The titles in this collection have been specifically chosen to provide scope for exploring moral themes and Citizenship topics relevant to Key Stages 1 and 2. For more advanced readers, this collection also serves as an excellent introduction to the story telling tradition.

Product ID: 505565     ISBN-10: 1852696486
Categories: Children's Books, Children's Books > Grades 3~5, Children's Books > Grades K~2
Supporting language: Albanian
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Specifications: Paperback, 24 pages
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