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Languages > Afrikaans > Religious Studies > Scientology > Dianetics - The Modern Science of Mental Health - Paperback, Afrikaans
Dianetics - The Modern Science of Mental Health - Paperback, Afrikaans

Dianetics - The Modern Science of Mental Health - Paperback, Afrikaans
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The #1 New York Times bestselling book that started the Dianetics movement. This is the handbook of Dianetics procedure that describes in detail exactly how to do Dianetics and how you can get the most out of it.

Product ID: 105611     ISBN-13: 9788778166708
Categories: Religious Studies, Religious Studies > Scientology
Supporting language: Afrikaans
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Dianetics gets rid of the reactive mind. It’s the only thing that does. With 20,000,000 copies in dozens of languages, Dianetics has remained a bestseller for more than 50 years. Now used in more than 150 nations, Dianetics brings dramatic and permanent improvement to people all over the world. Read this book and discover: * The real reason for unexplained pains, negative emotions and unhappy relationships in your life; * Exactly what is destroying your belief in yourself and how Dianetics helps you get rid of it and become more you; * The precise technology that blows away the barriers in your life – forever. Don’t live with insecurity, negative thoughts, unhappiness or irrational behavior. Use Dianetics and get rid of your reactive mind. Indisputably the most widely read and influential book on the human mind ever written! * 100 weeks a New York Times bestseller * 20 million copies in circulation * Used in more than 153 nations and 53 languages * This is the book that began a revolution in man’s understanding of the mind
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