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Cuentos Chinos

Cuentos Chinos
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"Once again, Pulitzer Prize- winning columnist Andre Oppenheimer shows his deep understanding of the dramatic changes in Latin America, and the imopact of America's ongoing indifference to the region. For anyone seeking to understand Latin America's re-emerging populism and the effects of this administration's disastrous foreign policy in the region, this book is a must read. Oppemheimer gives his readers hope for a new vision in Latin America." - Governor Bill Richardson, presidential candidate At one time, Latin America looked like the shining, new frontier on the economic and political world stage. This book describes the crucial missteps caused by both Latin American leaders and Washington; what this important region can do to recuperate the global status is lost to the countries in Asia; and how a weak Latin America hurts the United States. Two studies from very different sources shocked the few Latin Americans who had chance to read them. Both studies contradicted the prevailing view in Latin America that the region is enjoying a healthy recovery after three years of robust growth, and that it hads a promising future ahead of it. Andres Oppenheimer is a columnist with the Miami Herald and auther of three best-sellers on Latin American affairs. He has worked five with The Associated Press in New York, and has contributed, among ofher publications, to The New York Times, The Washington Post and The New Republic. He was a member of the Miami Herald team that won the 1987 Pulitzer Prize for uncovering the Iran-contra scandal.

Product ID: 500423
Category: Non Fiction
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
352 pages
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