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Languages > Haitian > Children's Books > Grades K~2 > Concept Collection 32 Different Titles in Haitian-Creole/English

Concept Collection 32 Different Titles in Haitian-Creole/English
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Concept Collection 32 Different Titles in Haitian-Creole/English

The Basic Concept Books are a collection of 32 titles, each with text and image convergently organized to illustrate single concepts. It uses a combination of text, repetition and simple sentence structure to keep the student interested. The images are convergent to the text and the text supports the images to encourage the young reader and develop the growing minds. This collection contains 8 themes in French: 4X8 Titles (8 being the number of themes and 4 the number of titles per theme).

Product ID: 505335
Categories: Children's Books, Children's Books > Grades K~2
Supporting languages: Creole, Haitian
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
Themes and Titles:

1- Les couleurs/Colors:
Le bleu
Le vert
Le rouge
Le jaune

2- Les positions/Positions:
Sur, sous, au-dessus et en-dessous
Près et loin
Au-dedans et au-dehors
Au-dedans et autour

3- Comptons par/Counting:

4-Les formes en trois dimensions/Three Dimensional Shapes:
Le cube
La sphère
Le cylindre
Le cône

5- Les formes/Shapes:
Le triangle
Le cercle
Le carré
Le rectangle

6-Mon calendrier/My Calendar:
Vacances et jours de fête
Les jours de la semaine
Les saisons
Les mois de l'année

7-Les contraires/Opposites:
Ouvert et fermé
Dur, soyeux et mou
Petit et grand
Avant, arrière, devant et derrière

8- La mesure/Measurements:
La seconde, la minute et l'heure
La cuillère à café, la cuillère à soupe et la tasse
La livre, le pied et le pouce
La pinte, le quart et le gallon

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