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Languages > Spanish > Biographies > Columba Bush, la cenicienta de la Casa Blanca

Columba Bush, la cenicienta de la Casa Blanca
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By Beatriz Parga A fairy tale comes true. that's the story of Columba Bush, a modern day Cinderella, born in a humble home in Mexico. Columba was a silent, obedient child who lived in her own fantasy world in order to evade the problems that forced her to mature at a very young age. Always neglected, she had to overcome her father's departure when she was a yound child. Magic surrounds the true-life romance of Columba and Jeb Bush, a fairy tale that goes beyond borders and tradition. A love that blossoms among picturesque Mexican landscapes and the majestic halls of the White House.

Product ID: 107731
Category: Biographies
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
144 pages, paperback
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