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Languages > English > Religious Studies > Buddhism > SGI > Choose Hope - Ikeda, Krieger - English
Choose Hope - Ikeda, Krieger - English

Choose Hope - Ikeda, Krieger - English
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Your Role in Waging Peace in the Nuclear Age How ordinary people can influence world leaders to end the threat of nuclear devastation This moving dialogue between an American and a Japanese peace activist makes the compelling argument that ordinary people can and must guide their leaders to a safer and saner future free from a nuclear menace. This balance of Western and Eastern perspectives reveals how the development of true peace can grow only when narrow national loyalties are surpassed by a shared global vision. Inspiring examples of individuals working for an end to the nuclear threat showcase the role everyday people can play in the quest for peace. Particular encouragement is given to young people to build on their natural idealism to shape the world they will inherit. Daisaku Ikeda is the president of Soka Gakkai International and the author of The Way of Youth, For the Sake of Peace, and A Lifelong Quest for Peace. He received the United Nations Peace Award in 1983. He lives in Tokyo, Japan. David Krieger is the founder of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and the author of Nuclear Weapons and the World Court and Waging Peace in the Nuclear Age. He lives in Santa Barbara, California.

Product ID: 102449     ISBN-10: 0967469767
Categories: Religious Studies, Religious Studies > Buddhism > SGI
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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