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Languages > Choctaw > Learn > Choctaw Singalong - Charley Jones (tape and songbook) Talohoah Momah (They are still singing)
Choctaw Singalong - Charley Jones (tape and songbook) Talohoah Momah (They are still singing)

Choctaw Singalong - Charley Jones (tape and songbook) Talohoah Momah (They are still singing)
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Choctaw Singing w/ Charley Jones with tape and songbook.

Talohoah Momah (They are still singing) The missionaries, first from France and then from England, believed their job was to convert Indians to their faith. Blindly, they disregarded the fact that the Indians had their own faith and a relationship with the Creator as close, or closer, than their own. And so the English missionaries, looking for common ground, turned to music and began teaching the European musical scales to the Choctaws using "shape note" style notations.

Product ID: 31078     ISBN-10: 1884655300
Categories: Learn, Music & Recreation
Supporting language: Choctaw
Platforms/media types: Audio Cassette, Printed Matter
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