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China Gate

China Gate
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China Gate is about ten former army men, who were court-martialed for fleeing the battlefield. After being branded cowards, they live a non-existential life with a story woven into each character. Danny is the optimist, looking ahead as he fights cancer. Amrish Puri plays an opinionated disciplinarian unable to lead a civil life. Kulbhushan plays a businessman, while Naseer plays a humble family man working hard to keep his family safe and well taken care of. How the disgrace of defeat has driven their lives is portrayed well. The reunion of the ten men is brought about because of a bunch of dakus who continually loot the village of Devdurg. Jageera (Mukesh Tiwari) is the head daku and it is he who must be stopped. The plot has a touch of Sholay in it, one cannot watch China Gate without remembering Sholay since they both deal with the same subject.

The cast is marvelous and well put together. All these actors from the old school of acting getting together is fun to watch in itself. The plot is well read and is directed respectfully.

Product ID: 43560
Categories: Movies/Videos, Movies/Videos > Action
Supporting language: Hindi
Platforms/media types: DVD
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