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Casi una muer

Casi una muer
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A simultaneous Spanish-language edition, originally translated for Vintage by Nina Torres-Vidal In her new memior, the acclaimed author of When I Was Puerto Rican continues the riveting chronicle of her life. "Negi," as Santiago's family affectionately calls her, leaves rural Macun in 1961 to live in a three-bedroom tenement apartment with seven siblings, and inquisitive grandmother, and a strict mother who won't allow her to date. At thirteen, Negi yearns for her own bed, for privacy, and her father, who remains in Puerto Rico. Translating for Mami at the welfare office in the morning, starring as Cleopatra at New York's Performing Arts High School in the afternoon, and dancing salsa all night, she also seeks to find balance between being an American and Puerto Rican. When Negi defies her mother by going on a series of dates, she finds that independence brings challenges. At once a universally poignant coming-of-age tale and a heartfelt immigrant's story, Almost a Woman is Santiago's triumphant journey into womanhood.

Product ID: 107551
Categories: Autobiography, Biographies
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
320 pages, paperback
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