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Casa de Hacienda: Arquitectura en el Campo Colombiano (Hardcover)

Casa de Hacienda: Arquitectura en el Campo Colombiano (Hardcover)
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Traveling the country in search of the most significant aspects of Colombia's colonial ranch houses, this book brings to life the convergence of decisive elements of the country's past and tradition. These ranch houses were the scene of struggles, epiphanies, and downfalls in the country's history—all evoked through the point of view of a historian specializing in architecture.

Recorriendo el país para encontrar los aspectos más significativos de las haciendas coloniales colombianas, este libro revive una época de nostalgia y elegancia en la era del país a través de estas construcciones. En ellas se desplegaron escenarios de luchas, advenimientos, epifanías y ocasos. Al evocar este mundo del ayer, la obra logra recuperar la visión de la historia colombiana de manera justa y sugerente con el conocimiento de un historiador especializado en la arquitectura.

Germán Téllez is an architect, a historian and monument restorer, a member of the Colombian Academy of History, and an honorary architect member of the American Institute of Architects. He is also a professor of history of architecture and founder of the Centre for Aesthetic and Historical Research of the Universidad de Los Andes. Additionally, he is an architecture photographer and the author of several books in his native Spanish.

Product ID: 500813
Category: Architecture
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
  • 304 pages, Cloth, 9 x 11
  • 288 Color Photos, Four-color Interior
  • ©1992-2024 World Language Resources, Inc.    All Rights Reserved.
    2390 Crenshaw Blvd., #813, Torrance, CA 90501 USA     Tel: 424-328-0063    

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