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Languages > Italian > Learn > Children's > Canzoni Per Bambini, Volume I

Canzoni Per Bambini, Volume I
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Canzoni Per Bambini, Volumes I & II are a collection of forty original children’s songs written by Dr. Katia Moltisanti Tennyson and John Gentry Tennyson, sponsored in part through a grant from IACE (Italian American Committee on Education). After years of testing and development in the classroom, Canzoni Per Bambini, Volumes I & II are now available through this website and the offices of Centro Raccontami. In the first volume, children learn to sing the Italian alphabet, numbers, colors and the months of the year. In the second volume, children learn the “Benvenuti!” song, parts of the body, the alphabet in action, the five senses and much more! Songs included: 1. buon giorno! 11. che lavoro fŕ! 2. le vocali 12. una foglia 3. l'abc 13. il cibo di stagione 4. coloriamo! 14. la metropolitana 5. il pesce blu 15. il tuo viso 6. i numeri 16. mettiamo in ordine 7. canzone della bua 17. c'era una volta... 8. vestiamoci di allegria 18. la settimana 9. il cielo 19. piantiamo un seme 10. i mesi dell'anno 20. ciao e a presto!

Product ID: 109047
Categories: Learn, Learn > Children's
Supporting language: Italian
Platforms/media types: Audio CD
Review: "It's rare to hear a children's CD that combines various acoustic instruments in arrangements that are clearly aimed at musicality as a priority to the light and accessible lyric/vocal that must appeal to the audience (adults and children alike). But… that's what the Italian CD, "Canzoni Per Bambini, Volume I" from Centro Raccontami does. Tuba, accordion, trumpet, clarinet, and other non-midi instruments support the track, "Buon Giorno!' - as the ensemble says hello to listeners. It's important to note that the vocal and approach is a breath of sincerity and freshness as no one in the entire production stands out for attention - the vocalists perform with authenticity this Italian language collection - along with children's voices that are as endearing. The CD teaches compositions that could have been written hundreds of years ago, but are completely original music that pays accurate tribute to a genre few have experienced. "La Metropolitana", is a fun tune - long baritone 'ahhhhh's’ accentuate some instrumental painting of a cityscape. Nice. "il Cielo", is a memorable melody that ascends keys in an Italian version of the sound of 'charge' in baseball. “Coloriamo!', is our favorite tune on the CD - the intricate music is shadowed by the inventive and enjoyable banter between singers and children. Sesame Street tries to be this good. This is a children's CD for the ages. A natural masterpiece of composition, arrangement, performance, and joy - and whether you understand Italian or not, it is sure to please music lovers of any age." -Don Kimenker /
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