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Languages > Spanish > Fiction > Cantar De Mio Cid / The Song of My Cid
Cantar De Mio Cid / The Song of My Cid

Cantar De Mio Cid / The Song of My Cid
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Including the original and de Castro's prequel, this work brings to life the oldest preserved Spanish poem in the world. Based on a true story, it tells the story of a Spanish hero during the reconquest of Spain from the Moors. He married the cousin of King Alfonso VI, but for obscure reasons he fell into disfavor and had to leave his home country. Las mocedades relates the origins and exploits of the legendary hero by looking at his genealogy and ancestry. Brought together in this one volume, readers can experience the legend of El Cid as well as his illustrious past.

Incluyendo el poema original y la obra de Guillén de Castro, esta obra incluye el poema más antiguo del mundo. Basado en eventos reales, cuenta la historia de un héroe español durante la reconquista de España por los moros. El Cid se casa con la prima del Rey Alfonso VI, pero por razones confusas termina siendo obligado a irse de su país. Las mocedades relata los orígenes de las hazañas de El Cid al dar una mirada a su genealogía y sus ancestros. Juntos en un volumen práctico, este volumen permite a los lectores vivir las aventuras de este héroe y conocer más sobre su pasado ilustro.

Product ID: 500645
Category: Fiction
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
328 pages
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