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Botero en el Museo Nacional de Colombia: Nueva donacion (Paperback)

Botero en el Museo Nacional de Colombia: Nueva donacion (Paperback)
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Serving as testimony to the passion that links Fernando Botero to Colombia, this restrospective features reproductions of all the works that Botero has donated to the National Museum of Colombia, including recent workds created in response to terrorism and violence in Colombia.

Demostrando la pasión que tiene Fernando Botero para Colombia, esta retrospectiva proporciona reproducciones de todas las obras que Botero ha donado al Museo Nacional de Colombia y incluye unas obras recientes que hizo él en respuesta del terrorismo y violencia en Colombia.

Beatriz Gonz-lez is a professor, art critic, and historian. She is the author of many books and essays on museology, art history, and caricature, and is a former curator of the art and history collections at the National Museum of Colombia.

Product ID: 500811
Category: Art
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
  • 112 pages, Trade Paper, 10 x 12
  • 73 Color Photos, 9 B/W Photos, Four-color Interior
  • ©1992-2024 World Language Resources, Inc.    All Rights Reserved.
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