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Languages > Spanish > Learn > Bilingual Books - Ingles un Mapa Del Lenguaje Language Map™ in INGLÉS (for Spanish Speakers)
Bilingual Books - Ingles un Mapa Del Lenguaje Language Map™ in INGLÉS (for Spanish Speakers)

Bilingual Books - Ingles un Mapa Del Lenguaje Language Map™ in INGLÉS (for Spanish Speakers)
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A must for any traveler! Travelers will love these Language Maps™ by Kristine K. Kershul. A patented lamination process allows these handy Language Maps™ to fold and unfold in a snap without tearing. Each Language Map™ contains over 1,000 words and phrases split into important sections covering the basics for any trip. The phonetics are based on American English making foreign words and sounds easy to pronounce. The Language Maps™ are so beautifully illustrated that all travelers will be proud to use them in any setting, whether dining in an expensive restaurant or buying tickets to a museum. These attractive, flip-style Language Maps™ are also the perfect stocking stuffer, bon voyage gift, thank-you or party gift. Key Benefits Based on the best-selling 10 minutes a day® Series Durable, weatherproof, compact, sturdy Easy to use Much lighter and discreet than a dictionary or phrasebook

Product ID: 105299     ISBN-13: 9780944502143
Category: Learn
Supporting language: Spanish
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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