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Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times

Bhagavad Gita for Modern Times
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In this new translation and commentary on the ancient Sanskrit text, Swami Tirtha offers a completely fresh and accessible interpretation, making it easy to apply its teachings to daily life. The timeless wisdom of the Gita is illuminated by modern-day, real-world instances examining personal spiritual goals, and family, career, social, and environmental issues germane to today's seeker of wisdom and truth. Students of Eastern philosophy, yoga enthusiasts, parents, and entrepreneurs looking beyond The Art of War for inspiration will appreciate the techniques for relieving stress, discovering peace, creating self-worth, and enhancing spiritual awareness. Each page demonstrates how ancient and universal spiritual patterns can help answer common life questions and provide meaningful purpose and direction. A guide for living in a world that is often blind to what is most relevant—spirit—this explication of one of the cornerstones of spirituality will have universal, enduring appeal.

Product ID: 110324     ISBN-10: 0965804267
Categories: Self Improvement, Spiritual/Devotional
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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