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Barrons - Voila - French for Adult Beginners

Barrons - Voila - French for Adult Beginners
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Voilá is an attractive, appealing, complete course in French. Designed primarily for adults who want to learn the language on their own, it also makes a fine teaching supplement for classroom use, language labs, and French tutoring. It's French as the language is spoken and heard by business and vacation travelers in France, with learning activities that use such things as menus like those in a Paris restaurant, newspaper and billboard items, ads that appear on the streets, magazine articles, and tourist brochures. Voilá is a vivid, up-to-date preview of the French experience, with much of the flavor of what it feels like to be on a vacation in France.

The accompanying cassette package contains three hours of listening material. They present dramatized conversations in French, with settings and circumstances like those experienced by visitors to France--hotels, stores, restaurants, vacation resorts, airports, and the like. The cassettes come with a supplementary booklet containing answers to the exercises and full transcripts of the spoken French dialogues.

Voilá is suitable for both individual and group study. It's the result of a two-year program of research, development, and piloting by expert language teachers in the United Kingdom, whose aim was to create a course that is precisely right for adult beginners.

Product ID: 45559     ISBN-13: 9780764170157     ISBN-10: 0764170155
Category: Learn
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Audio Cassette, Printed Matter
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