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Barrons - Travel Wise - French (Book Only)

Barrons - Travel Wise - French (Book Only)
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Designed especially for international travelers, yet also suitable for foreign language labs in high schools and colleges, Travelwise programs are brand new, good looking, enjoyable to use, and compact enough to be easily packed with luggage when it's time to take that overseas trip. Travelwise programs are available as a book-only, or as a package that contains the book with a supplementary audiocassette and script booklet.

The book alone will give any traveler a great start in picking up practical words, phrases, and general information for nearly all situations. Books are filled with full-color photos and artwork, and have color-coded page edges so users can easily find the correct section to meet their on-the-spot needs. All books include a pronunciation guide. Each book concludes with a brief outline of grammatical rules plus two short dictionary sections each containing approximately 2,500 words: one section in English-to-target language; the other in target language-to-English.In addition to beautiful color photos showing visual highlights of host countries, users will find valuable, informative illustrations, including street and subway maps of some large cities.

Product ID: 45556     ISBN-10: 0764103806
Categories: Phrase Books, Travel
Supporting language: French
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
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