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Barrons - The Spirit of Yoga

Barrons - The Spirit of Yoga
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Yoga is thousands of years old, but because of its current popularity, some people wrongly dismiss it as just another exercise fad made fashionable by celebrities. In fact, as author Kathy Phillips demonstrates in this large, beautifully illustrated book, yoga is a gentle but powerful means of achieving strength, flexibility, serenity, and a healthy balance between body and mind.

Originating on the Indian subcontinent at the dawn of civilization, yoga is now accepted worldwide as an effective way to deal with physical and emotional stress. The Spirit of Yoga is a sensible introduction for beginners, and a source of inspiration for current practitioners who would like to learn more. It explains differences among the various yoga disciplines, enabling readers to make a considered choice that best fits their needs. The author uses her experience as a yoga teacher to describe exercises and postures—also shown in color photos—that can promote physical health and body flexibility while inducing emotional tranquility. Yoga positions are suggested as effective remedies for physical ailments and for discomforts produced by everyday stress. The author's witty approach to her subject demystifies today's yoga hype while offering readers sound guidance and emphasizing the entirely real benefits they can derive from this honorable discipline. The book's foreword is by the international fashion model Christy Turlington. Hundreds of color photos and illustrations.

Product ID: 46496
Categories: Book of the Week, Health
Supporting language: English
Platforms/media types: Printed Matter
About The Author:

Kathy Phillips is Health and Beauty Director of British Vogue, and has written for many magazines and newspapers. She has practiced yoga for twenty-five years.

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